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Yossef Benharosh is an apt web developer and the author of the eBook The essentials of object oriented PHP.

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Image compression with PHP and Bash - quick and dirty

A client of mine wanted his website to have the ability to compress images that users upload. Even though I recommended the use of an established cloud service he insisted on doing everything in-house. Since I'm a fan of working with Bash and it is a PHP website I decided to use Bash utilities for image compression and came up with a quick and dirty solution that seems to satisfy the need.

The Bash utilities

Install the following utilities to handle JPG and PNG compression:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install jpegoptim
$ sudo apt-get install optipng



The form enables the upload of an image with ajax:

<img src="/placeholder.jpg" id="theImage" />		

<button id="theTrigger">Upload file</button>

<input type="file" id="file" style="display:none"/>

<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.min.js"></script>


The JavaScript

A jQuery script to read and validate the image then send to the backend:

  // Limit the allowed file size
  var imgSizeLimit = 20*1024*1024;

  // The FileList object represents the files uploaded with the file upload button.
  //  It contains the data for the name, size, extension and content of the files
  function uploadImage() {
     // Get the file input field
     var img = $("#file");

    // Get the uploaded file
    var file = img[0].files[0];

    // Validations
    if(file.size > imgSizeLimit){
        alert("The image is too large");

    if(file.type !== 'image/png' && file.type !== 'image/jpg' && file.type !== 'image/jpeg'){
        alert("Only jpeg or png extensions are allowed");
      // The FileReader object lets apps read asynchronously the contents of files
      var r = new FileReader();
      // Fire after the reading of the file ended
      r.addEventListener("load", function(e) {
        // Send the data with AJAX to the server and get the response
        $.post('/create_new_img.php', {'f': e.target.result}, function(res){
          res = JSON.parse(res);
          if(res.success === true){
               $("#theImage").attr('src', res.path);
          } else {
              alert("General error");
      // Read the content of the file
  // Listens to any change to the #file element
  //  then fires the uploadImage function
  //  that receives the files property
  $("#file").on("change", function(){

  // Clicking #theTrigger button triggers clicking
  //  the #file element
  $("#theTrigger").on("click", function(){



A PHP script to validate, upload and compress via Bash utilities:


if (isset($_POST['f'])) {
    // Upload folder
    $destinationFolder = USER_UPLOAD_DIR;
    // Maximum allowed size in Mb
    $maxSize = 20;
    $maxFileSize = $maxSize*1024*1024; // bytes

    // GET the posted data
    $file = $_POST['f'];

    // Use getimagesize to find the file extension
    // Only png / jpg mime types are allowed
    $size = getimagesize ($file);
    $extension = $ext  = $size['mime'];
    if($ext == 'image/jpeg')
        $ext = '.jpg';
    elseif($ext == 'image/png')
        $ext = '.png';
        exit(json_encode(['success'=>false, 'reason'=>'only png and jpg types are allowed']));

    // Prevent the upload of large files
    if(strlen(base64_decode($file)) > $maxFileSize)
        exit(json_encode(['success'=>false, 'reason'=>"file size exceeds {$maxFileSize} Mb"]));

    // Remove inline tags and spaces
    $img = str_replace('data:image/png;base64,', '', $file);
    $img = str_replace('data:image/jpeg;base64,', '', $img);
    $img = str_replace(' ', '+', $img);

    // Read base64 encoded string as an image
    $img = base64_decode($img);

    // Give the image a unique name. Don't forget the extension
    $filename = date("d_m_Y_H_i_s")."-".time().$ext;

    // The path to the newly created file inside the upload folder
    $destinationPath = "$destinationFolder$filename";

    // Create the file or return false
    $success = file_put_contents($destinationPath, $img);

    // You can make a copy. Here I compress the source
    $compressedImg = $destinationPath;

    // Run the compression commands with the shell_exec function
    // Here I use maximum compression. Read the utilities documentation
    // to find the best options for your project
    $max_quality = 75;
    if ($extension == 'image/jpeg') :
        $command = "jpegoptim --max=$max_quality --strip-all --all-progressive";
        $output = shell_exec("$command $compressedImg 2>&1");
    elseif ($extension == 'image/png') :
        $command = 'optipng -o7 -preserve -strip all';
        $output = shell_exec("$command $compressedImg 2>&1");
    // Secure the iamge
    chmod($compressedImg, 0644);


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